Case Study - Severe Eczema

“Traci at Dragonfli Holistic Healing made a huge impact on the health of my skin. My hands had become irritated, the skin was tight, cracked and red. One visit with Traci and a few weeks later my hands were completely healed. No irritation of the skin, I had flexibility and movement without it cracking open. I love having the ability to use my hands again without severe pain and skin issues.” -Molly W.

  • “I began talking to Traci about my anxiety and panic attacks which she has been able to help get under control with energy healing. The first time I was absolutely amazed at how I felt. I then approached her with a sensory numbness in one leg which she attributed to a sensitivity to polyester. She cleared me of the allergy and after a few days I was completely cured. My anxiety troubles have come and gone many times throughout the years and she is always available to send a treatment over to help keep me calm. She’s a true miracle worker!”

    -Stephanie Q

  • “I had recurring eczema on my knees and shortly after Traci began her treatments it got better and eventually disappeared and has never returned. I’m not sure what magic was involved but I can’t dispute the results. Very happy to have clear skin again.”

    -Mark P.

  • "What would I do without Traci and her healing ways. I can't even count how many times she has relieved pain and stress from me, my mom and even my pup Blu. She is supportive, reliable, caring and always there to help. Her journey started with healing herself and it's so wonderful she now gets to share her talents with all of us and help us all live a better life. We love Traci and what she does to make our lives much much better."

    -Cindy F. & Blu

  • "In 2020 I received a dermatological diagnosis of atopic dermatitis. It affected the area between my fingers and the inside area of my arms opposite my elbows. For months I tried the prescribed creams and it did get rid of it. UNTIL I stopped with the creams. Then it returned. While talking with Traci one day I mentioned my frustration about this recurring issue. She treated me right then and continued for a couple of weeks. I stopped using the creams and relied only on her treatments. I have not had any issues since she completed the treatments-two years ago! I would not hesitate to call on her again."

    -Julie M.

  • "I was connected with Traci because my son was sick. Traci is kind, has such a soothing energy and truly cares. I've learned so much from her, she's a gem! Don't wait, reach out to her!"

    - Linh

  • "WTH did you do to me??!?! You touched my arm and I felt something weird. Hours later all my anxiety is completely gone!"


  • "When my neighbors took a trip to Europe for 6 weeks, I had the pleasure of taking care of their french bulldog, Barry Manilow (aka Bubba). He had a lot of skin sensitivities and allergic reactions, digestive issues, eating his own poop and eye issues. So I worked on him treating him for the causes of the allergic reactions. Most of it was food issues (he was fed dry dog food). So I started testing him for what vegetables, protein and probiotics would be most beneficial for him and created a whole new diet for Bubba. After starting it, it took only a few days to see huge changes - including he stopped eating his own poop. When his mamas came home from their vacation, they had a brand new, happy & healthy Frenchie."

    -Traci P.

  • "Your gifts are wonderful! Things are calmer now."

    Holly O.

 “Everything is Energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

- Albert Einstein