My Journey

Photo: Khloe, Shadow & Me

Hello! I’m Traci Plourde and I grew up in a small town on our land with my horses, dogs and barn cats. I loved it - it was my heaven on earth. My immune system did not agree. I was allergic to everything - especially food! I would rotate allergy medications as I became immune to them over time. I would get strep throat, the flu and colds – a lot. But that was my “normal”. By the age of 13, I chose to become a vegetarian. That seemed to help with some of my “food allergies”.

About 18 years ago, I was introduced to someone who had been trained to be a NAET Practitioner. After our first treatment, I was more than intrigued. I kept going back to her as often as I could. Then a big miracle moment happened. I had been diagnosed with painful ovarian cysts and was told I need to have them surgically removed. That was not an option for me. I asked my NAET Practitioner if she could treat them? She did and by the time I got on the freeway to drive home I felt like my period had started out of the blue. When I got home I realized that the cysts left my body during the drive. I was 100% a true believer at that point! When I went back to the medical center for my cyst removal appointment, I had to demand they do an ultra sound and make sure they were still inside me before surgery. Eventually the nurse complied and was shocked there were no cysts remaining. 

There was absolutely no turning back from that point!

My life-long career has been as a Designer/Creative Director, and I have owned my own design agency since 2004. For several years, my agency grew to 13 employees. That was when my health got worse. By 2011, my digestion had almost completely stopped working. My organs were barely functioning and were basically decomposing. I went one last time to a “Western Medicine Doctor” and they performed a colonoscopy. The doctor told me that to “cure me” he would take out five feet of my intestines to fix my issues. I literally told him off and walked out vowing to never go back to Western Medicine again.

That’s when I met another NAET practitioner and I went from being her patient to obsessive student and eventually, to an equal. We have been on a wild and amazing journey together, blazing a new trail learning new modalities, working with Mas Sajady for many years and creating hybrid ways to heal people and animals with pure source frequencies. 

When my beloved dogs, Khloe & Shadow’s health started declining they became my first “patients”. The conditions and illnesses they had were mild to terrifying. Their veterinarian performed blood tests and provided proof that what I was doing was working - so much so, she became a believer. I also explored modifying their diet. I started making their food with quality, raw meat and organic vegetables that were most beneficial for them. I was actually healing them – without Rx medications. They were my greatest teachers and were helping me strengthen and expand my skills before they left the earth’s plane.  

As my journey has continued down this exciting spiritual and powerful path of healing, I have become a certified Shaman Munay-Ki Practitioner through The Four Winds Society. As my Shaman Teacher’s protégé, he has taught me new ways to combine everything, which elevates healing to new levels. As I continued to explore the shamanic teachings, I recalled being a child in my bed at night. I would often wake up and there was always a man in native clothing at my bedroom door. Now I understand he was my Shaman Spirit Guide there to watch over and keep me protected.

I look forward to using my skills, knowledge and thoughtfulness to help you on whatever healing journey you are on.

Dragonflies have had a big presence in my life. They are very ancient and symbolize “the power of light”.

They teach us to step forward, illuminate and heal.