Hair Loss

I have had several people come to me about hair loss. Losing your hair is horrifying. I know, I had it. Most people just blame stress, hair care, chemicals used on the hair, genes, and the list can go on and on. I have sat in the salon listening to women talk about the reasons they are losing hair (or their significant others) but they are all going about it wrong. That is not the case. The truth is hair loss is your hormonal imbalance with testosterone. Male or Female that is the fact. Testosterone that gets way out of balance will start attacking your hair follicles/roots. Testosterone is a real asshole once out of balance. So much so it can start effecting other hormones. Then it becomes the (not so fun game of which hormone is now throwing a tantrum?!)

I have spent years learning the cause and how to cure hair loss all on my own. Trial and error. I was my own (worse) patient. But now that I understand how to treat to cure, I enjoy treating and helping people who want to have a healthy head of hair again.

Disclaimer: If you are completely bald the hair roots are already dead and gone, unfortunately there is nothing that can reverse that.

The information provided on the site is for educational and informational purposes only and does not substitute for professional, medical advice. This disclaimer states that this content is only for informational purposes and should not be used in place of an actual medical visit. This information I am sharing is to be used by their own risk. Do your own research. Take charge of your own body, spirit and mind.

Traci Plourde

T&Co Design is as nimble and versatile as our clients. We are a virtual agency bringing in the best talent as needed per project. From concept to development to execution, we deliver premium creative solutions that are always on brand and on budget.



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