Healing, Naturally,
Starts Within You.

Dragongfli Holistic Healing specializes in energy healing.

Treatments are non-invasive, drug-free, natural solutions to eliminate blocks, sensitivities, allergies of all types and boosting the immune system.

“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.”

- Albert Einstein

Any sensitivity is viewed by the brain as a threat to the body’s wellbeing.

Sensitivities (or allergies) are created when contact is made – physically, chemically or emotionally – causing blocks in the energy pathways of your body. The result of these “contacts” is a blockage in the meridians and chakras disrupting the normal flow of energy through your body’s electrical circuits.

This energy blockage creates interference in the lines of communication between your brain and your body via the nervous system. This can begin a chain of events that develop into an allergic response or weakened immune system, eventually becoming a chronic condition or “disease”.

“The ‘Doctor’ of the future will give no medicine, but will interest the patients in care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

- Thomas A. Edison

Frequency Imbalances


Weakening the state of health emotionally and in the physical body

I remove the blockages from your energy pathways with energy healing treatments, allowing your emotions and physical body to regain perfect balance (homeostasis) and function. Our bodies are designed to achieve optimum health. Once the blockages are removed and energy is flowing as it is meant to, your health and immune system starts to heal and strengthen.

I heal people, animals and trees… in-person or by sending distance treatments.